If happiness were a gift I would gladly gift it to you now, if it were a place I would punch the directions into your GPS with the joy that would be mine for the giving of the directions. Want to be happy? If happiness seems to big a goal right now perhaps reach up the scale for anger or frustration, not being quite as depressed.
As I use the word “depressed” I only mean low vibration or low spirits
I will here and now tell you how to get it for yourself. All the happiness and joy you could contain is here and available to you now. You are the only thing standing in your way. With this short post I will show you how to get out of your own way and stop blocking joy and happiness from reaching you. You only lack awareness of the truth. I promise you by the time you are done reading this you will begin to feel better.
How Much Does Happiness Weigh?
This is a question I often ask people I am trying help with ideas that are totally invisible, and that have existence as an idea or state of consciousness. Feelings have no weight, they exist only as a state of consciousness. And consciousness is purely mental.
But you say this feeling is crushing me, surely it has weight! To this I reply, you give it the weight with your belief and give it vitality by thinking of it. And “according to your faith it shall be done onto you” – bible
BUT I ASK YOU; Who is the doer doing? And then I answer it is only you.
We ourselves hang onto to low vibrations by; refusing to forgive, refusing to accept what is (which is a kind of insanity we are all guilty of), AND THINKING THOUGHTS OF: resentments, frustration, self-pity, unfortunate circumstance, anger, sickness, jealousy, envy, rage, sadness, loneliness, gluttony, thoughts of revenge, imagining negative scenarios, worry, FEAR, shame, guilt, and a trillion other forms of darkness.
Patient: Doctor it hurts when I move my arm like this. Doctor: Don’t move your arm like that. 🙂
The Only Way To Experience Joy Is To Realize The Truth – There Is No Darkness
Understand there is a POWER germ in the word, and that your thoughts are made up of words, and finally you have the POWER to think what you want to think. It is only through ignorance of this POWER that you remain in darkness.
In James Allen’s amazing book “From Poverty to Power” he explains that good and evil have always be described by light and dark. When the sun goes down on our tiny planet, only a part of it is encapsulated in darkness, the rest of the universe is a blaze with light. The darkness is only a shadow cast by the other side of our planet. And so darkness is only ever a shadow by something intercepting the light
If you are in darkness during daylight hours, rip down the walls (Ideas, beliefs, and thoughts) that are casting the shadow. Unblock your soul from the omnipresent light and energy that surrounds us and makes manifest all there is.
” Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind” John 12:2
POWER Germ – The POWER Of The Word
POWER germ is a phrase I borrowed from Genevieve Behrends spectacular book “Your Invisible Power”. Specifically Chapter 11, where she so eloquently explains.
“To establish Joy in your consciousness, just repeat the word “joy” secretly, persistently and emphatically. The Joy germ begins to expand and project itself until your whole being is filled with joy.”
As previously stated; consciousness is all there is, it weights nothing, and is mainly mental/spiritual.
Understand too the Genevieve lost her husband at a young age and was deeply sorrowed and enveloped in loneliness before studying with one of the best mental scientists of all times Judge Thomas Troward.
Unconditional Joy And Happiness
Sow seeds of hope, knowing your consciousness is now expanding. You will get to a point when doing good makes you feel good, and someones attention helps you to feel joy. Though, I caution you not to count on anything outside for your happiness and joy, cultivate your joy germ inside until you experience joy as your normal state regardless whats going on around you.
8 Exercises To Expand The Joy Consciousness
- Meditate
- Write 10 things your grateful for everyday, maybe do this twice a day.
- Exercise physically
- Eat good foods and drink plenty of water
- Do things you enjoy like a walk on the beach or in the woods, sit fireside reading a good book, stare at the stars at night, go to church or a concert, help someone or be of service.
- Affirmations
- Set a big juicy goal
- Rest and relax
- Say one thing you like about YOU or your physical presence. Later try to list ten a day (this is also great if your into mirror work).