Worrying Is A Bad Habit

Spoon bending

The child in the movie “The Matrix” tells Neo “Do not try and bend the spoon with your mind, that’s impossible, instead only try to realize the truth.

NEO: What truth?

CHILD: There is no spoon. Then you realize it is not the spoon that bends, but only yourself”.

Are You “AWARE” Of A Low Level Of Unease?

Do angst, worry, anxiety, fear or stress keep you up at night, prevent you from doing and saying what you want? Are they robbing you of your peace of mind? If you’re like most people the answer is yes.

As James Allen noted: We are thought evolved beings. Fear is only a phycological construct, it is only as real as we make it. Some would argue our whole world is a projection of our conscious mind.

Fear only grows with attention, withdraw attention and it goes away. Most people have formed the habit of worry. Do not resist it, you must renounce it. Resistance means you will give it attention. Renouncing is casting out. Provide the idea or thought no more attention.

Catch yourself worrying or with a pessimistic attitude and say cancel or stop, and change your focus to something positive. At first, this will be hard to do, but if you persist, you will form a new and lovely habit.

Fear has been called an evil and corrosive thread that has been woven into the fabric of life. It is certainly responsible for other negative emotions and the ruin of many lovely ideas plans and situations.

Starting a New Habit

Give some thought to the Matrix Spoon analogy “There is no Spoon.” Fear is not real, only our insecure irrational minds make it so. Hence there is nothing to fear but fear itself.

The first step is to make a decision that you are going to form a new habit. You are here now reading this because your awareness is growing and you are developing, so congratulations on that!

We have a creative power within us that will make us into whatever we give our attention too.

You Have a Choice – You could ponder a new self-image (confident/secure), a lovely prayer, an affirmation, read a book, meditate, have sex, go to the gym, go help someone else with their problems, or anything other to give attention to any negative ideas.

Awareness & Acceptance

Whatever darkness is exposed to the light becomes light. -Bible

What is fear but darkness cast by our own imagination? This is the truth that Jesus says will set you free.

Worrying is like praying for something you don’t want. If “we become what we think about all day long” as Emmerson says, what harvest will we reap from sowing seeds of fear?

I once had so much anxiety I thought I might need medication to ease my troubled mind. But by slowly changing my mental diet, with a healthy helping of spiritual principles like acceptance and forgiveness, reading and meditating, one day I had an intense feeling of peace wash over me.

In Echart Tolles book “The  Power of Now” he describes it as if an air conditioner that was always on in the background, and that I didn’t even know was there, was then suddenly shut off. I wish everyone could experience that level of deep peace and joy that comes once the air conditioner is shut off.

You’re In Control – The Choice Is Yours

What would fear be without imagination? Imagination is a wonderful and powerful tool when used rightly. Used wrongly, it becomes very destructive.

We use affirmations to change our outdated concept of ourselves. To reprogram our habitual thought patterns stored in our subconscious. There is no spoon, there is no spoon, there is no spoon. Remember you are in control of your predominant thoughts, your mental diet, your concept of “reality”. Why not focus on the truth and of lovely things.