How To Manifest Anything

To manifest what we want, we need more than a sweet hour of prayer or vain repetition or affirmations of special words. There is a higher law than the Law Of Attraction… It is the Law Of Vibration. You cannot attract what you want until you get on the same vibration.

Understand, we live simultaneously on three plains of existence; Spiritually/Emotionally, Intellectually, and Physically. Most people are trying to change things and attract abundance and health either by: intellectually (with thoughts), physically (try harder / exert will). Until the spiritual aspect is incorporated with the other two, little gains will be experienced and permanent desired results will remain out of reach.

First, you have to desire a thing, truly want it. Next, you have to make a decision you will have it. I don’t care what IT is. Are you interested in having it or committed to having it?

There is a difference between interested and committed. When you’re interested in something you will do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you will accept no excuses only results. – Kenneth H Blanchard

You must feel in your conscious mind of possessing that which you desire. You must completely fuse with the state you would manifest. This persistent feeling will shift your subconscious mind which will immediately begin to clothe you and your world by most convenient means available.

This is why you don’t have to know how it will happen. What stops a lot of people is the rational need to know how it will happen, their intellectual mind.

All things, when admitted, are made manifest by the light: for everything made manifest is light  – Ephesians 5:13

Understand we are the creators working in harmony with the source. We manifest with our imagination and when we admit our imaginative world as true, it comes to pass. This is how everything you can feel, see, smell, taste or touch has been created. First in the mind and then in our world… As within, so without!

You are the doer doing, imagine better than the best and live now in the assumption of your desired ideal.

I know this is a big pill to swallow. This is why in my coaching programs: “Lead The Field” and Thinking Into Results” I work with you one on one, from goal to manifestation and keep you on track. You are going to be so happy every day when you begin one of my coaching programs, facilitated by me and Bob Proctor.

Quantum leaps become the expected growth trajectory once you understand the principles and laws that govern this world of ours.

We are constantly running seminars and webinars. these are a good way to experience some of my coaching and get exposed to our materials. The next event is in just a few days. Paradigm Shift – A three-day training with Bob Proctor – update your thinking, and upgrade your life Buy Ticket Here – I will be hosting a closed Facebook Group: coaching and answering questions along with daily key point posts and wrap up live videos. The Live stream will have a 14-day replay and a great workbook you can download. Contact me when you buy the ticket so I can add you to our group on Facebook #mentaldieter

How To Change Your Life – Guaranteed

Unless we change how we react to life, our lives change very little. And what is our life but an accumulation of our thoughts and reactions? My life, my income, relationships, happiness, and even my health are all based on my choices and reactions. If I want better results I have to react differently to the same circumstances.

It can be a bitter pill to swallow, that somehow I am responsible for the results in my life. However, once I accepted this idea, things began to improve for the better. With acceptance and an open mind, I found a key that opened a door to a new reality.

I use the word reaction rather than action, to bring attention to the law of cause and effect and also the part we play with our “thinking“. We use our thinking to navigate the appearances of circumstances, and then to decide/choose the next best course of action. We react to circumstances/life, and life, by perfect law, reacts to us.

So you see if we keep reacting the same way, little if anything will change, and we keep getting the same results. Einstein said, “We can’t fix a problem on the same level of mind that created it”.

Letting You Off The Hook

The truth is you (ego, id) are not entirely responsible. The misconception is to think you can think, that your conscious mind is in control when the truth is that, 96-98 percent of all your reactions are habitual (habits) controlled by your subconscious mind. And our subconscious mind is home to our paradigms.

Paradigms are our beliefs, what we “believe to be true emotionally”.

Our paradigms get formed through our sometimes limited perception and awareness, concepts that feel true based on our current level of understanding. However, these “BELIEFS” are not “THE TRUTH”. Things appeared to be a certain way for a time, which made us feel a certain way, and right or wrong, we now react as if our beliefs are facts.

The conscious thinking mind has been likened to an ant, and the subconscious emotional mind likened to an elephant. Without shifting the elephant, AKA the paradigm, you get little permanent change for the better. The funny thing is that, most people think the ant is in charge, this is why we get frustrated and give up.

Enter A New Reality – Shifting the Paradigm

“All things when they are admitted are made manifest by the light, for everything that is made manifest is light – Ephesians 5:13”

Only what we are willing to admit as true of ourselves can manifest in our life. This is why we can never outperform our beliefs and why we keep getting the same results. It is up to us to reprogram the beliefs that no longer serve us, or have never served us.

Take your own concept of yourself for example, are you smart or dumb, effective or inefficient, rich or poor, brave or fearful? Any negative concept of yourself held in your mind will limit your potential. But it is your own belief that is holding you back.


Steps To Shifting The Paradigm

The first step to shifting your paradigms is to come up with what you want. What would your ideal life look like? How much money would you make, what kind of home would you live in, would you be doing work that is fulfilling surrounded by likeminded folks, would you be taking lots of time off to enjoy friends and family? Would your predominant mindset be one of confidence, calmness, and courage?

YOU have to decide what it is you want!

Once you have decided what it is you will have, admit it as true in a statement on a piece of paper like this: I am so happy and grateful now that: I have a surplus of money in the bank, that I respond to life with a calm focused mind based on the truth, and fill in the blank (what it is you want).

We shift the paradigm the same way we programmed the elephant in the first place, with feeling, and repetition.

For more information or help with your paradigms please reach out to me. You can call and get a 30-minute coaching call for free, or ask questions on my Facebook page #mentaldieter #paradigms #lifecoaching


There is an amazing 3-day training called Paradigm Shift being put on by Bob Proctor coming up within a week. You can Live stream the event on any screen with an internet connection for like 140 bucks. If all you learned were how to shift paradigms that alone would be worth it, but he goes deep on Goal Setting, Multiple Streams of Income he calls MSI’s, Self Image and so so much more.

The first Proctor even changed my life and got me on the path I was always supposed to be on. The energy during the event is amazing and raises your vibration.

I will be hosting the three-day event in a closed Facebook group where I will be sharing directly with you answering questions and doing a daily wrap up videos. You are going to get access to a 14-day replay and a workbook you can download and work with for the rest of your life. It is over 183 pages of material and quotes and Proctor teachings.

As soon as you sign up you will be emailed the workbook to begin getting familiar. Just message me or email me as soon as you sign up so I can invite you to our closed group. We will have a great time sharing and learning together during this event. Use the link below to learn more and sign up. We are expecting over 10,000 people from all over the world to attend this event. I hope you join us!

Three days Live Streaming Paradigm Shift Training Event

Event – Bob Proctor Paradigm Shift Live Stream Oct 11-13th 2019

Without question, Bob Proctor is one of the best business and personal development experts who have ever lived. So when he has an event, it should not be missed. Paradigm Shift is one of his most sought after tickets. This upcoming show in California is already sold out, but you can still register for the live stream and catch the mood and spirit while it is happening.

  • Event: Paradigm Shift
  • Date: Oct 11-13, 2019
  • Location: California
  • Ticket: Sold-Out
  • Live Stream: Sign-up Page

Paradigms have long been understood as the seat of habit. The place change must happen to have good and permanent results. Want to lose weight, make more money, have a more harmonious relationship, enjoy life more? Change your paradigm and it becomes automatic.

Since paradigms are fundamental to success in every aspect of our lives, they should be deeply understood. The best way to learn this information is through repetition.

By signing up for the live stream you will get the added benefit of the replay which you can study and have access to for 14 days.

Inside Show Information

As a PGI Consultant, I know you will not want to miss this Paradigm Shift Live Event. Most people realize they are only using 10 percent of their brainpower, Bob is going to break down how to understand your own subconscious mind and get you engaging your entire mind. Imagine what you can accomplish with this information.

During this live-stream event, he is also going to explain six mental faculties that we can further develop for still greater success and performance.

He is going to present this information in such simple terms a child can understand it. Gather your friends and family and share this information with them.

Take control of your life now by registering for Bob’s most sought after program. You will not be the same afterward and will be glad you did it.

Click The Banner Below for More InformationParadigm Shift Live Event Oct 11-13, 2019


22 Ways Of Raising Your Vibration

Improve your health and happiness and attract into your life abundance with these 22 habitual ways of increasing your frequency… There is a higher law than the Law of Attraction, It is the Law of Vibration. It states that everything is moving, nothing rests.

We are literally living in an ocean of motion. As we ourselves are made up of mostly water, our bodies are digesting, cells dying, cells being created, blood flowing, lungs expanding, neurons firing in the brain. Electrons and atoms are everywhere, you can now photograph them entering and leaving the body. As you change your thoughts the color and density of your energy changes.

And everything around us is too in a state of motion. The different frequencies of vibration cause different forms.

High Vibrational Living

Make these habits in your life and your whole world will transform before your eyes. New and wonderful things will come to pass, you will become lucky, everything around you will improve. This list of ideas to raise your vibration is just a sample of the most popular. They are not meant to be read as the only ways to improve and clear your frequency. Even the methods mentioned here can be expanded greatly.


A habit of gratitude will not only attract good things to you, but it will also keep you from becoming complacent with the way things are. I’m not suggesting you see the glass half full, just that you be grateful for what you have. I have made it a habit to write down ten things I am grateful for every morning.

See if you cant zero in on the time in your life you were the most grateful. Keep this thought handy if you need it throughout your day. Morning gratitude is great, but try to let the feeling linger on you all day, maybe even give thanks at night. There is always something to be grateful for.

Control Your Mental Diet #mentaldieter

This idea goes well with all ideas mentioned here, including the first one gratitude. Fast, Diet, or otherwise eliminate negative thoughts. Don’t dwell on the wrongdoings of others or of how you have been mistreated. Listen to your thoughts and if you catch yourself complaining, play your gratitude card as previously mentioned.

If someone ruined your past, don’t let them ruin your NOW, or your future by giving any attention to those thoughts. As you steer your thoughts, you feed your soul, your subconscious, and steer your life.

Fast from selfishness self-seeking, anger, worry and resentment. Bar the windows and doors of your mind as you would your home to prevent a thief from getting in your home. These kind are thieves that would steal your happiness and peace of mind.

Acceptance & Forgiveness Then Harvest The Good

Two spiritual principles that are sure to help with the first two Ideas, Gratitude and Mental Diet. Acceptance and Forgiveness are sure to keep you free from chewing on what has happened and keeping you trapped in emotional poison.

Accept whatever has happened because the fact is it has happened. Contemplating and thinking about it will not change the reality that it has happened. Forgive that it has happened or that you let it happen or whoever is responsible.

We forgive other people for us, not for them. Holding a resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die. We are the only ones who suffer from non-forgiveness.

I used to plan my revenge which I never took, play the victim telling as many people as I could what has happened. It was an identity. But in the end, all I did was feel awful and lower my vibration. Also the more I focused on these negative things the more negative things happened to me. I was planting the seed of being a victim in my subconscious, as sure as I am writing this I manifested more of what I didn’t want.

When you focus on what you do want, you get more of that. So whatever the situation accept it, forgive it and harvest the good. This practice alone will improve every aspect of your life.

Again I am not saying to see the glass as half full, just see it for what it is without judgment. If you have a glass with four ounces of water, then you have a glass that has four ounces of water. When you say this is good and this is bad you are creating a dichotomy. It is what it is… Forgive every moment this is the way to peace of mind and a sustained higher vibration.

Sing | Cheer | Celebrate

This is about releasing (relea-sing) your joy, expressing your love or gratitude. These are action steps sure to get you into a good, good good vibration – Beach boys reference. Go to a sports game and cheer loudly, or sing with feeling in your car to a great tune, or celebrate a victory. Express your love in song, on a card, or on the astral plane if you like.

Get in the spirit with a good feeling through action!


Music was my savior as a child. There was something about getting lost in a good piece of music the soothed my soul, and I confess I love that old-time rock and roll. Thank you Bob Seger! I must have played “Turn The Page” 200 times as a teen. I think I wore out that record. Don’t even get me started with the guitar solo in Purple Rain by Prince.


Lose yourself in a game you enjoy. Play as a child would without a care in the world. Forget all responsibility, take a mental vacation from being a grown-up and just have some fun. Take a bike ride and jump off the curb, wrestle with your kids or pets and let go. Be as present as possible.

All work and no play makes for low vibration. Schedule some playtime today, make a play date… Please share in the comments some ways you like to play.


Take a deep breath and just relax. Let your shoulders drop right now. You can do this several times a day. Check-in with yourself and see how you are doing. Are you taking life too seriously? A course in Miracles says “nothing real can be threatened, and nothing unreal exists”.

“Be still and know that I am – Bible”

Take A Shower

I don’t know what it is about taking a shower, I do some of my best thinking in the shower. I unwind and tune in all at the same time. I don’t know if this one is on anyone else list of raising their vibration.

Eat Healthily Food

MSG makes me sleepy and drys my throat out. Foods with flour fog my brain. I pretty much live by a mantra of don’t eat things with ingredients I can’t pronounce or processed food, generally things with more than five ingredients.

Drink Plenty Of Water

Sometimes you think your craving food when all the body is saying is it’s thirsty. Water is needed for digestion and nutrient absorption, healthy skin which is the largest organ of the body (I think). We need to take care of the body or our vibration will not be optimum.

Stay Away From Negative People

We all know people who can brighten up a whole room just by leaving it. Try to avoid these people as much as possible. If you are confronted with them take charge of the conversation right away, and be as positive as possible. This will drive them away from you. What most negative people want is a victim buddy, someone to come to their pity party. You are not doing them any good by attending and certainly not doing yourself any good.

I had to prune my social media accounts of some people I love. Just too much poison for me. I don’t love them any less, I just love me more, and my health and happiness.

Connect With Friends & Family

I know for me this is a must, I am a pack animal for sure. I get a little squirrelly if I don’t check in with my siblings and close friends. Here we can practice being present, relaxing, celebrating, playing, drinking water, listening to music, and being grateful, being lovely.

Go To Church

For you, this may be a walk in the woods or on a beach. Staring up at a super stary night, listening to some rock and roll, or actually going to church. Find a way to connect to the source.


This is a great way to raise your vibration. Many of us carry shame and guilt, things we will never tell anyone, stuff thats going to the grave with us undiscovered. This means you are limiting your vibration. Even if you can push it down for a time and forget, your subconscious never forgets. And these things mar our character and self-image. Who will know you ask? Only the most important person on the planet… YOU!

This can be very rewarding. This practice dates way back for a reason.


I know this one thing alone is responsible for lots of dopamine and good feelings, but it also helps me with my confidence and self-image. This one is a no-brainer and sure way keep good vibes.

Get a Massage

Touch alone is therapeutic, but a good massage will improve blood flow, relax your muscles, and promote healing. Massage will also reduce swelling, and alleviate sore muscles. If you can reduce pain even a little your vibration will get a huge boost.

Help Someone

Nothing makes me feel better than a good job done helping someone. This can be used as a distraction from your own concern. If something is troubling you and your struggling, practice self-forgetting, and go help someone else out. There is nothing like volunteering at a homeless shelter, food pantry, or hospital to put things into perspective.

List Your Wins

As already mentioned I like to start my day by writing 10 things I’m grateful for, but I like to end my day on a successful note writing down my wins for the day. I celebrate at least six wins every night before bed. This is a formula for self-confidence too.

Toast your successes! Toast tomorrows success too. Diet on success, lord knows many of us are quick to put ourselves down if we somehow miss the mark, this is a recipe for a healthy self-image (mental diet)

Get Organized

This is especially helpful for people who tend to worry a lot. When we have a plan we tend to feel safer. Every night after you list your wins, plan your next day, write down a few things you want to get done. These will likely become wins too. You are in control of your life. If you don’t get it all done that’s fine too, but this habit will not only keep you from low vibrations, but it will make you more and more successful each day.


Good chemistry is important to keep up your good vibes. I personally take vitamin D and a bunch of B vitamins every day. I take fish oil, a multi, and Co-Q-10 too. I plan to live till 125 years old, so I have to do what I can to preserve this multi-billion dollar body I have been gifted.


I use daily affirmations to program my subconscious mind and reach new goals and affirm my self-image. It is estimated that 95% of all behavior is habitual and controlled by the beliefs we hold in our subconscious mind. Those beliefs were programmed by repetition and perception and can only be changed the same way.

This of autosuggestion as a form of self-hypnotism that is permanent. The added benefit is that all these extra good thoughts go into the makeup of my mental diet. We have all heard “you are what you eat”.


This may be the most important habit of all. My coach calls this living from the inside out rather than the outside in. I am a creator and so are you! It is easy to live through the senses (seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and touching). But I choose my reality and create it by denying what my senses tell me. I choose the truth with my imagination.

Heres the thing… Whatever thoughts I sow into my subconscious will manifest in my life. I know this as law!

Emmerson said we become what we think about all day long, Dale Carnegie said: “Any idea that is held in the mind, that is emphasized, that is either feared or revered, will begin at once to clothe itself in the most convenient and appropriate form available.” James Allen said: “We are thought evolved beings,” The Bible said: As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.

So I use my imagination to create the future I want. I started doing this before I realized it. A though help with a feeling will move mountains. When you start to live from the inside out rather than appearances you become a mastermind you can have whatever you want. As within so without. It is all around you. The importance of this cannot be overemphasized.

These are twenty-two ways to not only increase your vibration but if you make them habits will improve every aspect of your life. If you found this helpful at all please share it. Just copy the URL into your favorite social channel.

As always if you’re looking for a coach to help you improve any aspect of your life or business, I would enjoy the opportunity to speak with you. I offer a complimentary 30-minute coaching call.



How To Get Rich

There is a proven formula for getting rich and here it is. Find a way to help as many people as possible. It is as simple as it sounds, you can hold it up to the light, kick it down the street, and when you’re all done, that’s the recipe for wealth. That might sound weird to people who think you have to crush the little guy and walk over the bones of your competition.

I would advise you to be creative rather than be competitive! I got out of the 9-5 rat race via affiliate marketing. I used my expertise to educate people (help them), I even went so far as to find the best deals for them, and then provided a link so they could buy the product or service I recommended. For my service, I was rewarded with a commission each time a purchase was made.

When I started blogging back in 1997, I could barely spell or make coherent sentences. When I would go back and read some of those articles, I didn’t even know what I was saying. I would read a sentence and be like, what??? But you have to start where you’re at.

If you think about any company that is really doing well, you will find they are serving people better, faster, or have better faster products. Having a better product is easy, no need to compete, just create a better product. Find the common pain of a lot of people and fix it.

Look at how perfect the Air B&B idea is… People wanted a nice place to stay without having to spend so much (pain = expensive hotels) and combined it with people who wanted to generate income with their property (pain = need more income or empty rentals) and solved the pain for both groups. We call that a win-win!

There has never been an easier time to get rich, look at the info products industry. It is quietly earning billions of dollars every year. People want to learn. You don’t even have to leverage your expertise. You can hire an expert to write content or give the information that you need.

“You can have everything you want in life if you will just help enough other people get what they want”

– Zig Ziglar

“People have it backward, they think if you make a lot of money you’re successful, no… If you’re successful you make a lot of money. Making money is the result of being successful” -Earl Nightingale

Being successful is helping other people get what they want. The money you’re seeking will always come from someone else and they will only give it to you for something you have that they want. There is no such thing as something for nothing.

Making money is easy. I feel sorry for all the people that trade time for money. I know the pain, I did it myself for over 25 years. I wasted even more time trying to figure out how to run a business. I started a business and put in so many hours that a McDonald’s employees made more than me if we counted all the hours and divided by what I was actually making.

They don’t teach you how to think properly in school. They load you up with a lot of information but then you’re left to figure things out on your own. If you read the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” by Robert Kyosaki, then you begin to understand the different paradigms between advice from a middle-class father vs a rich father.

That book was written before so much information was readily available, but people are still following the old paradigm that stopped working even before the book was published back in 1997. Does loading up your brain with a bunch of information that is readily available online, for a tuition fee of 60k-200k really still look like a solid plan?

I have friends with student loans who are being threatened to have their license pulled due to old student loans. #studentloanjustice

The founder of Ford automotive once sued a newspaper when they called him an ignorant pacifist. Under cross-examination, they asked Mr. Ford a bunch of general knowledge questions, and when he was about fed up he said, “why should I clutter up my mind with junk when I have a row of buttons on my desk that when pushed, will summon a man that can answer any question I may have”? Sounds like Ford had a prehistoric Google.

The Formula For Wealth

Most people are content with just getting by because they do not have a strong enough motive to live better. That’s all most people are lacking is a strong enough WHY… Earl Nightingale said, “Its easier to adjust yourself to the hardships of making a poor living than it is to get out and make a better one”.

Without bringing you up to speed in this article of the power of your subconscious, just know you have to get emotionally involved. For a start, come up with a definite figure and fall in love with the idea of being wealthy. You don’t have to know how you will get the money. This idea that we must know-how is a dream killer. Diet from any negative thoughts and only think of what you want.

Cultivate a burning desire and write down your definite purpose. Get excited about it. Read your desire every night before bed, and think about it when you wake up.

Most of all, look for ways to be of service, find ways to help people. There is plenty of money and a shortage of good ideas. Once you have this burning desire, things will begin happening for you. The things and people that you need will be drawn toward you. New and creative ideas will come seemingly from nowhere.

Remember that your rewards in life will be in direct proportion to what you give. It is the law of prosperity and there is no way around it. Keep an open mind, use your God-given creative imagination, and find a way to help people. When you are successful at helping others, the money will come, as sure as the sun will rise.

One last piece of advice, I understand if you feel that I have a conflict of interest, get a business development coach. It will turn decades into months and slingshot you to wealth.


Worrying Is A Bad Habit

The child in the movie “The Matrix” tells Neo “Do not try and bend the spoon with your mind, that’s impossible, instead only try to realize the truth.

NEO: What truth?

CHILD: There is no spoon. Then you realize it is not the spoon that bends, but only yourself”.

Are You “AWARE” Of A Low Level Of Unease?

Do angst, worry, anxiety, fear or stress keep you up at night, prevent you from doing and saying what you want? Are they robbing you of your peace of mind? If you’re like most people the answer is yes.

As James Allen noted: We are thought evolved beings. Fear is only a phycological construct, it is only as real as we make it. Some would argue our whole world is a projection of our conscious mind.

Fear only grows with attention, withdraw attention and it goes away. Most people have formed the habit of worry. Do not resist it, you must renounce it. Resistance means you will give it attention. Renouncing is casting out. Provide the idea or thought no more attention.

Catch yourself worrying or with a pessimistic attitude and say cancel or stop, and change your focus to something positive. At first, this will be hard to do, but if you persist, you will form a new and lovely habit.

Fear has been called an evil and corrosive thread that has been woven into the fabric of life. It is certainly responsible for other negative emotions and the ruin of many lovely ideas plans and situations.

Starting a New Habit

Give some thought to the Matrix Spoon analogy “There is no Spoon.” Fear is not real, only our insecure irrational minds make it so. Hence there is nothing to fear but fear itself.

The first step is to make a decision that you are going to form a new habit. You are here now reading this because your awareness is growing and you are developing, so congratulations on that!

We have a creative power within us that will make us into whatever we give our attention too.

You Have a Choice – You could ponder a new self-image (confident/secure), a lovely prayer, an affirmation, read a book, meditate, have sex, go to the gym, go help someone else with their problems, or anything other to give attention to any negative ideas.

Awareness & Acceptance

Whatever darkness is exposed to the light becomes light. -Bible

What is fear but darkness cast by our own imagination? This is the truth that Jesus says will set you free.

Worrying is like praying for something you don’t want. If “we become what we think about all day long” as Emmerson says, what harvest will we reap from sowing seeds of fear?

I once had so much anxiety I thought I might need medication to ease my troubled mind. But by slowly changing my mental diet, with a healthy helping of spiritual principles like acceptance and forgiveness, reading and meditating, one day I had an intense feeling of peace wash over me.

In Echart Tolles book “The  Power of Now” he describes it as if an air conditioner that was always on in the background, and that I didn’t even know was there, was then suddenly shut off. I wish everyone could experience that level of deep peace and joy that comes once the air conditioner is shut off.

You’re In Control – The Choice Is Yours

What would fear be without imagination? Imagination is a wonderful and powerful tool when used rightly. Used wrongly, it becomes very destructive.

We use affirmations to change our outdated concept of ourselves. To reprogram our habitual thought patterns stored in our subconscious. There is no spoon, there is no spoon, there is no spoon. Remember you are in control of your predominant thoughts, your mental diet, your concept of “reality”. Why not focus on the truth and of lovely things.

Self Love – Self Esteem

If you find your not good company for yourself, it is a sure sign that you are in need of a new and sustained mental diet. There is nothing wrong with you. I was not good company for a long long time, and so I know what I’m talking about.

“There is still time to change the road your on” – Led Zepplin

Chances are you have no idea who you truly are, and are just weighted down with a heavy burden of the past and current circumstances. All these are but appearances. These thoughts appear true, but the image they portray is incomplete.

All that is exposed to the light will become light, and it is only your self that is causing the darkness.

There is a great quote from the movie Spanglish: “Sometimes low self-esteem is just good common sense.” This is for people who are not behaving themselves. Maybe consuming too much food or drugs (yes alcohol is a drug), or caught up in any other compulsive behavior.

When we are young, we seek approval of others and are self-centered, if this is not outgrown it can turn into a negative paradigm that plays out in our lives and leads to self-avoidance, and a self-image that we are not enough. We judge ourselves and play the victim too. The victim identity is a self-defense mechanism of the ego. The ego and self-image need an adjustment.

Here is a prescription: Stop worrying about what others people are thinking of you, its none of your business anyway. This kind of self-absorbed thinking strengthens the false image and insecurity. It becomes a loop of negativity as you will never be perfect enough. What your subconscious mind doesn’t realize is that nobody is perfect. We are all perfect in our imperfection.

Stop judging yourself, diet for a while from these thoughts. If a self-condemning idea or thought should pop into your mind, have an affirmation of the truth ready to replace it. Also, start accepting your shortcomings, embrace your uniqueness.  Again, we all have shortcomings. Seek, discover and be grateful for where you are a born natural. Find a way to bless others with your gifts and stay out of your head.  Until the new self-image is established, consider your mind a bad neighborhood and stay out of it.

Don’t associate with or tolerate anyone who puts you down or makes fun of you. You likely have subconsciously sought out some of these people to make you feel comfortable. Yes, subconsciously you needed these people to feel safe, I know its weird. Also, expect to feel uncomfortable during your transition from these false old ideas of yourself to your new enlightened understanding of as all as limited in some way. You’re not as bad as you think you are.

I know people including myself that “felt less than”, that wrote down everything they felt guilty or ashamed of and went and confessed it to a closed mothed friend or priest. Only to have the other person share similar stories. Confession is good for the soul.

Most important is to build a new self-image and claim it. You have to overwrite the old immature self-image, the one you created with your limited understanding and awareness. Get with people who will love you until you can love yourself.

Other things that cut us off from feeling happy joyous and free are Resentment, Self-pity, Pessimistic Attitudes, Complaining or just Negativity in general. Adopt a new optimistic attitude and begin to expect good things. As you change your vibration good things will begin to happen for you.

“Heaven holds a place for those who pray” – Paul Simon

Write a new self-image and read it every day, several times a day. Imagine what it feels like now that you are this person, act like this person, and carry the feeling around with you, let the feeling linger. If you have problems, stop thinking about them unless there is something you can do about it. Find a way to help someone else with their problems.

“If you are humble nothing will touch you, neither praise nor disgrace, because you know what you are”. – Mother Teresa

I once heard someone say they were an ego-maniac with an inferiority complex, and I really identified with that at the time. What I know now is that I didn’t even really know myself. I was so self-obsessed, so self-conscious I did not see the whole picture. Look at the whole picture of you. If you are like most people you have some good traits and some growing to do. Be patient with yourself, as God is not finished with you yet. As you start to see the whole picture and focus on your strengths you let the light in. Let there be light!

It would help to get with a coach or friend to help you maintain your new self-image. You are forming a new habit, and habits can be hard to form. Maybe give me a call and let me coach you up a little? There is nothing to be embarrassed about. I found that the things I once thought I would bring to the grave, turned out to be nothing in the light of day.

I highly recommend two books on this subject:

  1. The Four Agreements – Don Miguel Ruiz
  2. Psyco-Cybernetics – Maxwell Maltz

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Coaching – Mentoring: The Rise Of Michael Kern

When I say, if I can do it anyone can, you have to understand from 11-17 years of age I was alternating between living on the streets, going to shelters, and bouncing from one foster home to another. My environment was poor, both emotionally and financially and I basically raised myself, teaching myself little of discipline. The last grade I actually completed in a traditional school as a child was the seventh, and at that time I had a fourth-grade reading level.

Even though I couldn’t show up for school, somehow I knew education was important, and so I would actually study on my own, reading psychology books and sociology books at public libraries. As a homeless teenager, I got my hands on some spelling tests from different grade levels so that I could improve my spelling. While living in the Boston subway system I also attended a couple of months of automotive training at ITT Tech. Those student loans followed me to age 27 or 28.

It wasn’t until I was 27 that my growth really took off, this is when I got with my first mentor (Edward H). At this time I started reading as a man thinketh, The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People, basically every self-help book I could get my hands on, including many spiritual texts. This is when I got the ground under my feet in a meaningful way. It wasn’t long after working with Edward that I actually got my GED, went to college, and got my certificate as a counselor. I worked as a counselor for several years before starting my first business.

Human services were very rewarding personally but it just didn’t pay. So I needed to create an income to help support my young family. I had no capital, but I got started all the same founding Big Mike’s Auto Repair.

I love what small business Guru Michael Gerbers says: “Most small business people are suffering from an entrepreneurial seizure. Because they can perform a service well they think they can run a business“. In retrospect, I wish I had gotten a business development coach with my first endeavor. Edward was more of a philosopher and spiritual mentor, he was not suited to consult on business.

Not every business I have started since has been a success, but I learned to cut my losses and take my lessons to the next endeavor. I now have multiple streams of income all doing very well, I live in a healthy body and my relationships are very rewarding. I was actually semi-retired wintering in Thailand when I finally decided what I wanted to be when I grew up.

I’ve always really loved personal development and helping people so I studied and went to seminars, one of my early Inspirations was Anthony Robbins, (Tony Robbins) I did his first personal development course, I found his cassette tapes on eBay for like 12 dollars as suggested by another book I was reading at the time. It was a 30-day program. It helped me to understand his process, and to expand. It really helped me to understand what motivated me. I have to credit his course with vision board work that helped lead to my success.

I eventually went to Tony’s seminars, walked on fire, the whole bit. I love his philosophy and strategies. I carry them in my toolbox.

I remember seeing Zig Ziglar in person for the first time at a leadership development seminar, In my opinion, the best motivational speaker who ever lived. Zig always talked about hope and spiritual principles, his messages always resonated with me. Listening to him in the morning would raise my vibration, and help me to keep my vibration up throughout my day.

It wasn’t until all that recently I discovered Bob Proctor, his material was illuminating. Bob has been studying human potential, sales, and business development for over 58 years now full time. He stared in the movie “The Secret”. He shares everything he’s learned over the 58 years. He too has had the best coaches and mentors teaching him, including the father of the personal development industry Earl Nightengale.

I joined Bob Proctor’s coaching program, and he downloaded 50 plus years of information on human development and potential right into my brain. I had discovered and read a lot of the same books Bob did, but with his help and experience, I have been able to connect all the dots.

Coaching is how to take decades and turn them into months and even days. Unless we have someone to help us control our focus, measure it, and maximize our potential, then we usually don’t get the best results.

Coaching is the best and fastest way I know of to reach mastery and better and better results.

Successful people are decisive and persistent, they make decisions fast, and change them slowly, if ever. Take the first step and “ACT” like the person you want to become. Get a mentor and fast track your success. You’ll be so glad you did!

Self Image – The Power Behind Successful People

The Power Of Your Self Image

What I’m about to share with you can transform your whole world overnight, sooner even. First of all, your self-image is not what you think it is. next, you are not in direct control over it, or how it affects your life. Believe me when I tell you it is affecting every aspect of your life. Self-image can be said to be at the core of all results: Your Wealth, Success, Career, Your Happiness, Relationships, and to a large extent even your Health, Everything!

When you change the cause, you change the effect, its a law. Self-image is the cause, so by altering it, you alter everything. I hear you asking, everything Mike? Yes, everything!

Warning*** Just because you know, understand and agree with what I am saying and about to say, it will NOT benefit you without persistent action. This kind of growth can get uncomfortable and without an accountability partner to hold you on course, you are likely to evade your own efforts. This is too important to try and wing-it, get a coach like me, or someone to help you.

“Don’t be surprised if you grow uneasy–that’s a predictable part of the process. When you take a Quantum Leap you ride the situation, but you don’t really control it all that much.” -You2 by Price Pritchett, Ph.D.

Conscious Mind Vs. Subconscious Mind/Emotional Mind

First, understand our conscious mind is like an ant, and our subconscious mind is like an elephant. The elephant always wins! Next, the subconscious mind never sleeps, is always paying attention, never forgets anything.

Consciously, you feed the subconscious ideas which it stores, waiting for proof, always looking to prove or disprove the idea. Ideas are proved and accepted as fact by an emotional impact and by corroboration from trusted sources.

There is an excellent example in Don Miguel’s wonderful book “The Four Agreements”: The story goes one day a little girl was having fun and full of joy, so much so it was pouring out of her and she was singing loudly and bounding around the apartment. Meanwhile, her single mom was coming home with a headache after working a double shift and just wanted peace and quiet. The mom ended up snapping at her little girl and shouting Shut up, Shut up, Stop Singing you have an ugly voice.

Without knowing what she did, the little girl never sang again, in fact, she became shy and didn’t like to speak. Here is a great example of an emotional impact and a trusted source. As little people, we find agreement with much that is not true.

As we get older we are not as open to suggestion from others, but what about the first job you got? What if you didn’t do well and you were chewed out and or fired? What if your grades were poor, what effect might that have had on your idea of how smart you are. Understand that for better or worse our self-image was mostly formed from perception and opinion (not real facts) during the time we were still growing and developing.

Consciously we understand this, but remember the subconscious never forgets. If you truly understand this and forgive yourself, an immediate catharsis may be felt. Forgive yourself, and forgive everyone involved… Echart Tolle –  the great spiritual teacher says: “Forgive every Moment”… This is a wonderful spiritual practice.

James Allen said it best: “We are thought evolved beings”.  And especially,  “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” (I think the bible said the last one first)

Change Your Self Image and Change Your World

We are given to change our mind and change our world. It is all you… You thinking, you believing, you being, you doing, you having, etc. As soon as you begin to practice these lessons I am offering and change your inner beliefs, you will begin to see results. We are told and I am fond of saying: “As within, so without”.

Read my last article on Paradigms for an even deeper understanding of how negative habits are formed, but I want to move on to the cure!

First a Pep-Talk

Stop running yourself down! Don’t you know how wonderful you are? You are Gods highest form of creation, and you are a creator yourself. The tool by which you may fashion (create) anything, ANYTHING AT All! Is by your own wonderful imagination. You are more miraculous than the stars, more awe-inspiring the oceans, more majestic than the forests.

You can do whatever you set your mind to. The past is dead and does not accurately predict what will happen in the future. So dream, and DREAM BIG, make up your mind once and for all what your great purpose is to be and set out to accomplish it, start now. If your mind should wander down a crummy road, draw it back and focus on your definite aim in life. You have just as much right to abundance and happiness as anyone.

Changing Subconscious Beliefs | Changing Self-Image

Changing the subconscious usually takes time but can happen in an instant with an emotional impact. The way most people go about it is called spaced repetition, or affirmations, also called auto-suggestion in the 1937 book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.

The one thing I didn’t tell you yet about the subconscious is that it can not tell reality from fantasy. Whatever thoughts you believe it will accept as true, this is how you were programmed, to begin with.

Use your imagination and create a new and improved self-image. you need to write it out, speak it into existence, record it, play it back for yourself, and drive it home until the subconscious begins applying the new beliefs. You have to act the part as you read it, really feel it. Memorize it and repeat it to yourself throughout the day, every day.

There is a wonderful program from Peggy McColl, she teaches the Law Of Attraction. She uses what she calls a Power Life Script to manifest anything you want in life. It works in perfect harmony with rewriting self-image, as we must first BE… before we can have. This is based on a higher law- The Law Of Vibration. This law of vibration also explains why we cannot outperform our beliefs.

I want to encourage you to get on a free coaching call with me. No strings attached and if you think there is enough value perhaps you will become a client.

Paradigm Meaning And Explanation

Understanding the essence and meaning of paradigm is essential to any type of growth and development. This is because 96-98 percent of all behavior is controlled by our paradigms. A paradigm is a habitual way of looking at anything, it is a multitude of ideas that you hold and which form your beliefs. Simply put a paradigm is a belief

Self-image is one great example of a paradigm. Self-image is formed through a variety of repeated experiences and exposure to the opinions of others (specifically trusted sources). As the father of psychology James Allen noted: “We are thought evolved beings”. Once a paradigm is set, it becomes the rule by which we base decisions.

In Maltz’s Book Psyco-Cybernetics he explains that a paradigm is like a self-correcting Computer. Like a temperature thermostat, once the set norm is out of accepted parameters corrections are automatically made to get back to normal, or “feeling normal”.

This is why we make a decision to do something and even make great strides for a while and then end up back where we started. Take losing weight for example. You lose 20-50 lbs and before you know it, somehow it’s back? Remember 96-98 percent of our behavior is habitual and based on our paradigms which are stored in our subconscious mind.

Someone once said the subconscious is Gods way of making good automatic for us. You might think decisions are made by your conscious mind and they appear to be, but that is not entirely accurate.

Higher cognitive processing in the cerebral cortex can occur without consciousness. The regions of the brain responsible for the emotions and motives, not the cortex, direct our conscious attention.”

In my coaching program, I explain that if you want new and better results you need to shift your paradigm. I challenge everyone my clients and hold them accountable until necessary changes have been adopted. You can not outperform your beliefs. But, once the new paradigm is in place quantum leaps occur. Growth becomes exponential.

One of the reasons an accountability partner is crucial has to do with the fear that springs up from the changes being made. Fear is part of the auto-correction process/cybernetic mechanism (subconscious paradigm). At best you feel uneasy, at worst it can be terrifying. Depends on the paradigm.

In my six month program where I guide you through 12 lessons, we touch on this in almost every lesson.

Business Paradigms

Business paradigms with regard to modeling are not always as ingrained and hard to change as personal paradigms, but corporate culture (the shared values, attitudes, standards, and beliefs that characterize members of an organization) can be more difficult to redirect. It takes training and attention. In Covey’s book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” he suggested getting staff to contribute to a mission statement, as one way to change a culture and get it adoption automatically. Best to get participants emotionally involved, get them to really come from the heart.

“You never change things by fighting against the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.” – Buckminster Fuller

Corporate culture and business models are also paradigms. A wonderful little book was written called “Who Moved My Cheese“, wherein the author describes businesses that became obsolete mainly due to their inability to shift their paradigm and adapt to change quickly.

Uber is a great example of a paradigm shift within the taxi industry. Uber is basically a payment gateway app that connects drivers and people who need a ride. Whats happens to Uber if people find a way to connect and exchange money without them. Bye, Bye Uber! If there are any investors reading this, keep an eye on Blockchain Technology to change a whole lot of paradigms.

With my business coaching clients, I like to do a business audit and see what’s working and what paradigms may need updating with the company leaders and staff. When you get your people to unlock their hidden potential and shed their limiting beliefs there performance will astound you. You will think to yourself where has been this person been all this time.

If any of this resonates with you I would like to offer you a free coaching call no strings attached, absolutely no cost to you. If what you discover provides enough value perhaps you will become a client, If not, I will wish you well and thank you kindly for your time.